Gwen Rakotovao Performance: Take Root
Upcoming for Gwen Rakotovao Company is our show for Take Root, where we will be presenting part of the evening length work "L’Amour, La liberté". The show will be on the 13th and 14th of November 2015 at 8PM at Green Space studio in Long Island City.
For tickets:
In L’Amour, La liberté, French-born choreographer and Artistic Director, Gwen Rakotovao, explores the connection between cultures and human beings with a message of hope that one day this connection will allow the gaps between generations, genders, judgments and individuals to heal. Rakotovao’s energetic, yet soothing and calming unique movement utilizes different movement from various styles and culture, mixed with music in collaboration with the Leeds College of Music. L’Amour, La liberté, Gwen Rakotovao’s first full evening length work, expresses a fresh insight in what is happening now in our society.